Hard Drives

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DGD Shredding - Secure Lockable 1100ltr Wheelie Bin; Mobile Onsite Shredding; Offsite Shredding; On-Demand Service; Regular Scheduled Service; Bulk Clear Out; Nationwide

1100ltr Wheelie Bin

1100 ltr secure locking wheelie bins are designed for the disposal of large volumes of confidential waste paper. Available for Offsite Shredding Only
DGD Shredding - Standard 120ltr Hard Drive & Media Wheelie Bin; Mobile Onsite Shredding; Offsite Shredding; On-Demand Service; Regular Scheduled Service; Bulk Clear Out; Nationwide

120ltr IT Wheelie Bin

Our secure, lockable 120 ltr wheelie bins are perfect for the collection of hard drives and IT Media WEEE waste.
DGD Shredding - Lockable Dolav; Mobile Onsite Shredding; Offsite Shredding; On-Demand Service; Regular Scheduled Service; Bulk Clear Out; Nationwide


Dolav's are a highly durable spacious solution for hard drive and IT media WEEE waste shredding.
DGD Shredding - Heavy Duty Bags; Mobile Onsite Shredding; Offsite Shredding; On-Demand Service; Regular Scheduled Service; Bulk Clear Out; Nationwide

Heavy Duty Bags

Shredding bags are the ideal solution for a clear out with unknown quantities. Bags and cable ties are provided free as required.
DGD Shredding - Roller Combi Cage; Mobile Onsite Shredding; Offsite Shredding; On-Demand Service; Regular Scheduled Service; Bulk Clear Out; Nationwide

Roller Combi Cage

Combi roller cages are designed for carrying larger heavier loads of Hard Drives and IT media WEEE waste.
DGD Shredding - Hard Drive & Media Secure Crates; Mobile Onsite Shredding; Offsite Shredding; On-Demand Service; Regular Scheduled Service; Bulk Clear Out; Nationwide

Secure Crates

These secure crates are ideal for containing hard drives and IT media WEEE waste and comes in two sizes.